The Movement
“We inform, educate, and inspire patients, clinicians and other like-minded people to join The Patient Revolution and lead the change. Through teaching, collaborating, writing, and research, we arm people with the knowledge, courage and tools necessary to revolt.”
Victor Montori, MD
Who we are
We are a fast-growing global movement for careful and kind care. Co-founded by Victor Montori, MD, a leading clinician, researcher, and author, and Phil Warburton, a visionary philanthropist, our international community of Care Activists includes patients, clinicians, caregivers, researchers, educators, health system leaders, and policy makers.
We stand for careful and kind care
Care is both a disposition and a practice. Careful and kind care is the care a clinician is able to deliver when they are able to shape the care experience to the patient’s situation and the care a patient gets when seen, heard, known, understood and helped. Guided by a commitment to careful and kind care, health care can be elegant with no waste or haste, focused on the biology and biography of each person, responsive to each patient’s problems, and minimally disruptive, of patients’ lives and loves.
We turn away from industrialized healthcare.
Healthcare has corrupted its mission. It has stopped caring. Only people can care, and yet industrialization overwhelms professionals and patients, is cruel to them, and has rendered healthcare as we know it to be humanly unsustainable. Healthcare, if you can get it, often processes people rather can cares for and about them. Many organizations take caring for granted and are more focused on the business of healthcare.
Care should be careful and kind.
We think globally and act locally. Care Activists and Patient Revolution partners are acting immediately, locally, and radically to advance radical changes in the culture, strategy, policies, procedures, and practices that foster new ways of designing and delivering careful and kind care for all. Incremental improvements are not sustainable. Local action and “mini revolutions” that change the soil in which healthcare is rooted are the way forward.
Read the book
We ask that you take the first step in The Patient Revolution by reading Victor Montori’s stories in Why We Revolt. All proceeds go directly to the Patient Revolution’s mission of empowering patients, caregivers, community advocates, clinicians, and more to rebuild our healthcare system one bit at a time.