The Greenhouse:
A Think and Do Tank
There has to be a better way. Healthcare as it is currently designed is humanly unsustainable. Our collective work is to investigate, collaborate, gather, share, analyze, and disseminate the evidence that helps illuminate the negative impact of industrialization and the potential power of careful and kind care.
The Greenhouse serves as a source of expertise, thought leadership, academic research, qualitative evidence, and best practices from the field that inspire and inform all aspects of our programming and activities, and the work of care activists everywhere.

An expanding roster of collaborators enables us to learn from, participate in, and share original and exploratory work that pertains to our topics of interest–the unintended consequences of industrialized healthcare and the impact of careful and kind care.
A mini-revolution is an local, immediate act or series of acts that contributes to the turn towards careful and kind care.
“The future of this movement depends on training and education for future and current staff and patients, case studies about service level, team and organizational approaches to careful and kind care, demonstrable improvements in patient care, and signs of changes in culture and policy.”