An Unhurried Conversation

New urgent add on 
65 male
Not sure of his motivation 
(I think it’s his wife; next to him; scared)
Stopped all meds a year ago
Peeing too much 
ER visit 
Glucose 800
A1c 16.8

Given meds: “f/u with PC” (primary care)

Explore goals
Explore barriers 
Tease him
His wife’s tense face turns to laughter…

He agrees to:
Once Daily insulin 
Once Daily metformin
Put hctz and ACE* in one pill 
-once daily 
Moderate dose statin 
All at same time… daily
Next to the coffee pot
Unhurried follow up 

“Yes, I can do THAT”
“I like you”

“Well, I haven’t decided if I like you yet!”

No need to turn an illness into a crisis 

Personal opinion:
Unhurried can happen if I am…
…mindful enough to take my OWN pulse first.
…experienced enough to know what distractions to ignore.
…courageous enough to accept potential chastisement from superiors for ignoring distractions...

- A physician

*Hctz= hydrochlorothiazide. ACE is a drug class. Drug name Lisinopril. Both are blood pressure meds.

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