I Was Going to Die and It Was All My Fault

by a patient

I vomited up a quart of blood. The doc in the ER saved me from bleeding to death. I was diagnosed with cirrhosis. I wasn’t a drinker or smoker or drug user. I was baffled, so I thought they misdiagnosed me.           
Just a few hours later in my dark hospital room, a second doctor woke me up. First he interrogated me about my non-existent substance abuse, and when I told him again I wasn’t a substance abuser, he said I must’ve done something. 
I was going to die and it was all my fault.  
I didn’t know my diagnosis until I read it on my discharge papers. I had End Stage Liver Disease, called NASH. I was at fault, because I had undiagnosed fatty liver that turned to cirrhosis.
But I had no clue. Thankfully the first doctor in the ER referred me to a transplant center where I finally got a liver transplant, about two years later.                         


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Breaking Ground


In Search of Meaning