Paquita de Zulueta
Dr. Paquita de Zulueta qualified at Cambridge University in 1978. After a few years in internal medicine, she worked from 1984 as an inner-city, London-based GP (family doctor) with a special interest in mental health, migrant health, clinical ethics, education, professional well-being, and development. Paquita volunteered for 10 years for Doctors of the World’s London Clinic, providing one-stop care for those who could not access healthcare. She is a senior honorary clinical lecturer at Imperial College since 2000 and has been teaching and writing about clinical ethics since 1993. For several years Paquita has worked as a part-time CBT, compassion-focused & EMDR therapist, and is a qualified coach and mentor for clinicians and others. She was for ten years a member of the Imperial College clinical ethics committee and for 6 years of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics. In 2017-8, she was GP lead for the Grenfell NHS outreach team following the fire. She is also a Schwartz Round facilitator since 2015 for Imperial College NHS Trust and the medical school. Paquita considers herself a ‘compassion activist’ and is currently setting up a charity called Human Values in Healthcare Forum to promote ethical and compassionate health and social care. She has written several articles about compassion and compassionate leadership in healthcare and also has an interest in the importance of touch in the therapeutic relationship.