Sommer Collins


Sommer Collins is an independent healthcare consultant with 20 years of experience working with providers, payors, and medical professional organizations to improve quality, access, and timeliness of care. She has a Master's in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, emphasizing health systems improvement.

As a mom of 4 children, some with ongoing health challenges, as well as her own, she has personally experienced the challenges of navigating the medical system and professionally works to fix them. From 2018-2020 she and her family lived in Krakow, Poland. The experience greatly impacted her understanding of the difference between being a privileged, well-connected patient and a vulnerable one. While abroad, she and her family navigated the complexities of unfamiliar healthcare resources, utilizing healthcare in 11 countries, and a new epilepsy diagnosis for one of her daughters. 

Those experiences added to her passion to improve care and so Sommer founded ExploreWell to help travelers navigate medical and wellness like an informed local. She is constantly inspired by the The Patient Revolution community and their desire and energy to transform the way patients currently receive and experience care (or lack their of). She works with them as a consultant and wants to help them in as many ways as possible, as a fellow, community member, and beyond to amplify their voice and maximize their impact.